Elizabeth A. Schauble "Azunai" (USA): his past holiday season, I got an Asus tablet PC. I wanted to love it, I really did. I gave it a five star review here on Amazon, and I tried my very hardest to use it to it's fullest potential. It was working fine for a while, until I tried the Windows 8 beta. It was all down-hill from there. Viruses, problems (beyond those that should be in a beta, and a general ugliness drove me absolutely insane, and I decided to move away from Windows, at least temporarily. I bought a Chromebook, and while I absolutely love it and highly recommend it, I wanted more out a computer than it offered.
Benjamin Grol: I am usually a fan of all things Amazon. They really screwed the pooch on this one. I ordered a new macbook and I got a used macbook, packaged in the very box that they originally sent to "Kim Nguyen". When I turn on the computer, the log-in reads "Kim Nguyen". A shipping label to "Kim Nguyen" is super-lamely covered up on the box. If you're going to try to sell me used merchandise as new, at least use a new box Amazon.
Luk : FOR ALL WINDOWS FANS, first of all I want to share that I do not hate windows since I game on my windows desktop that I built myself.But my experience with windows laptops has not been the best. Always had miscellaneous problems with video drivers, screen, touch pad you name it! But I thought to myself that hey! at least I have really good spec laptop. Wrong! once I switched to mac all those things seemed unacceptable! I have now noticed that apple really take their time making their laptops and quality is there as well! Now here are some of my reviews of the specs.
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